
Familiarity with cultural peculiarities. Task of our native speakers

Translating a text well also always involves giving consideration to the formal peculiarities of the target language and the local, cultural specifics of the target region. A good translator is familiar with these peculiarities – and adapts his text contents accordingly. This adaptation process, which goes beyond mere language transfer, is called localisation. The objective: your text reads as if it were written directly in the target language and for the target region.

Nobody is more familiar with the cultural specifics of a language better than a native speaker. As a result, of course, the ZINDEL translators translate exclusively into their native language. Localisation work is also undertaken solely by native speakers.

Localisation of specialist texts

Precise specialist knowledge for complex tasks

The localisation of specialist texts is a complex process. Not only the context of the text has to be adapted. The technical characteristics in a country must also be known – and the text has to be adapted to these. Whether SI units are commonly used in a country has to be known, for example. Or whether units of measure such as kg or ms are converted into Cyrillic characters.

Lokalisierung von Fachtexten

Usually, a translation that disregards these adaptations is inadequate. It generally cannot be used later on. And nor can the translation stored in the translation memory be reused.

At ZINDEL, precise localisation of your technical documentation is a matter of course: all of our translators, proof-readers and translation managers have the detailed special knowledge required for this.

Software localisation

Ideally equipped in technical terms too

Software localisation means adapting the texts contained in software to another language. Both the specifics of the language and those of the text itself have to be taken into account in this process.

Various adaptations are sometimes required for this – e.g. creating software texts for a machine whose display is unable to show special characters (e.g. ä, ö, ü, ß).

Often, the space on a button is limited. Therefore, software localisers also have to pay attention to the length of the character strings.

They also decide how to adapt the keyboard commands (hot keys). And on the position of place holders for character strings in the translation.


Whilst the keyboard command ALT+D (Datei) opens the file menu in German, the command in English is ALT+F (for File). These hot keys also have to be adapted during the translation; the challenge involved in this is to assign each letter to just one command.
